A dozen scientists from Tara Océan have sailed off the coast of Lorient, France bound for national soil under the the mission “Microbiome-Ceodos” to collect ocean data. These scientists will collaborate with the research “OceanIA”, of the French Institute of Research in Digital Sciences and Technologies (Inria) to use this data collected more than 10 years ago in the fight against climate change.
The practical learnings and applications that could be obtained from the research as explained by Nayat Sánchez, director of Inria Chile includes; distances could be calculated between different points of the ocean.
“On the other hand, try to model biodiversity and the whole community and then be able to predict the biogeochemical cycles they have. Automatic plankton recognition and detection without sampling, using satellite imaging and artificial intelligence methods, to make early decisions to conserve a particular coastal area.” – Nayat Sánchez, Director of Inria Chile
Source: CE NoticiasFinancieras