Bangladesh Launches First Applied AI Certification Programme
: Singapore-Bangladesh cooperation to help those without knowledge of coding and programming build AI solutions in Bangladesh
Dhaka, Bangladesh 25 August 2021 – In recent times, there has been a flurry of activity around platform offerings targeted at users with little or development experience. The Centre for AI Innovation (CEAI), powered by MyFinB and in partnership local company Light over Light, challenges new boundaries of AI adoption. Collectively, they have successfully launched the world’s first 3-in-1 Certification in Applied AI (CAAI) in Bangladesh where personnel get to learn, build and deploy solutions without the need for coding or programming.
The CEAI/MyFinB created AI as a platform forms part of a new generation of low-code and no-code platforms that are designed to make it relatively easy for people to design, build, and launch applications quickly, without having to worry about the nuances of underlying operating systems or scalability requirements.
“We are pleased to partner with Arif, who is a dynamic young man with a deep passion to make a change for Bangladesh sectors through the use of AI,” said Adj Practice Professor (AI) Muhammad Nazri Muhd who is based in Singapore.
“When we want to change things for the better, technology and mindset go hand in hand. CAAI is a holistic programme to equip people without AI or machine learning knowledge, to learn, build and deploy the AI technology that can help organisations perform better. The mindset aspect is left to the individuals to effect that change.”
According to Arif Ahmed, the newly appointed Managing Partner for CEAI@Bangladesh, “2021 is the Year Bangladesh achieved 50 years of Independence and we are also celebrating the 100th birth year of our Father of the Nation – we feel that this is the best time to introduce AI in the Digital Bangladesh initiatives – where everyone can be a contributor to an AI-ready nation without needing any technical knowledge.”
“I am proud to say that today the nation has over 175 million mobile subscribers and 50 million internet users, and we are embracing the Fourth Industrial and Educational Revolution with open hearts! The Certification in Applied AI (CAAI) can help elevate majority of this group to be empowered with the knowledge to build intellectual capital assets for Bangladesh.”
He further added, “I believe with CAAI, the dream of making AI-Ready Bangladesh will finally be realized. In the near future, we will have the best of AI technology in our everyday lives, and we are the ones who will be able to take the steps to make it happen – no matter what our level of technology competency is. We have already taken an initiative of a great Round Table Discussion in Zoom on 17th of August, with 50+ participants comprising of CEOs, HR Heads, IT Heads of Prominent Companies and other reputed industry professionals. In that discussion, we were able to share the insights and ways forward for building AIOrganizations – fitting into ever-growing needs of Technology and Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
The CAAI is a 3-month online programme comprising of three levels of learning Foundation, Intermediate and Advanced. The CAAI comes with a guided, systematic approach where participants are able to convert their knowledge, experience and domain expertise onto MyFinB’s proprietary AI-as-a-Platform without the need for coding or programming. The primary objective of CAAI is to remove all barriers associated with learning, adopting and implementing AI such as lack of expertise, unclear ROI, shortage of talents, high costs, lengthy implementation process and more. Find out how we achieve to overcome these issues through various case studies and use cases.
The CAAI introduction video at this link: while the latest CAAI detailed course outline can be downloaded here:
For further enquiries, contact Arif Ahmed (Mobile number: +8801683068683)

About MyFinB
MyFinB is an award-winning, high growth AI start-up with core operations in KL/SG and serving more than 30 markets globally.
We specialise in Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Generation & Understanding (NLGU). Our AI-powered solutions translates structured data (financial statements, bank statements, incorporation info) and unstructured data (publications, social media, journals and video images) into decisioning reports.
MyFinB uses its proprietary NLGU and Cognitive Analytics capabilities to serve 10 core segments: Financial institutions, Enterprises / SMEs, Accounting and Auditing Firms / Consultants, Government Agencies , Credit bureaus, Stock Exchanges, Insurers, Trade Associations and Business chambers, Universities and Investment Promotion Agencies.
For more details, please visit

About Light over Light & Co.
Light Over Light & Co Ltd is a Research & Delivery firm focused on Helping Businesses Grow & Sustain and Helping Entrepreneurs grow their ideas into High Performing Start-Ups.
We work on Company Growth, Automation Systems, Organizational Management, Business Strategy, Health & Performance, Leadership, Productivity, Learning, Coaching and Technology.
We co-create solutions with our clients in areas of Company Direction (State, Mindset, Environment), Production (Automation, Process, SoP) and Value (Implementation, Performance, Workflow)
For more details, please contact +8801683068683