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RoboAdvisor Report For Automating Financial Planning And Wealth Creation For Property Purchases
"Personality Insights" derives insights of an individual personality characteristics from social media, enterprise data, or other digital communications. Our analytical capability can automatically infer, from potentially noisy social media, portraits of individuals that reflect their attributes.
"Property Planning" report informs you the potential estimated financing amount versus the actual affordability financial amount. It also estimates how many properties you are likely able to get based on varied pricing. The premium section "Choices" filters through large database of properties and indicates how many potential options of property available for you based on your preference.
"Monthly Scenario Analysis" Report looks into different scenarios of the proportion of expenses over income. From the report whether it is low, reasonable, moderate or high. Each changes in income and expenses would have an impact on your resources and lifestyle. Hence, these scenarios helps you predict and plan accordingly to achieve your desired financial status.
"Economic Outlook" Report reveal a macro picture of the Malaysia economy at the present time based on official data collected. The report also highlight its impact on each individual. This is an important factor to take into account when making an important financial decision.
"Market Insights" Report gives an overall sentiment and snapshot of the current property market in Malaysia. The insight is derived from unstructured data available on internet such as news, magazines and research. When considering an important financial decision, the analysis could be useful.