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Partnership with Universities for Industry Employability

: Special programme to help youths become more marketable and relevant for industries with Applied AI without the need for technical knowledge

Kuala Lumpur, 18 July 2022 – Over the next decade, the World Bank estimates one billion young people will try to enter the job market, but less than half of them will find formal jobs. This will leave the majority of young people, many in minority and marginalized groups, unemployed or experiencing working poverty. The predicted rise in economic inequality and inadequate job opportunities has the potential to negatively impact a generation of young people around the world.

In Malaysia, the Human Resources Minsitry reported that 227,300 people were from the 20-24 age group out of a pool of 711,000 unemployed workers in the country, followed by 160,800 from those aged 25-29.

The Centre for AI Innovation (CEAI) Global has now embarked on a certification programme called: “Industry Certification in Decisioning Analytics” (ICDA), an online 3-month programme (including two months of apprenticeship with a designated project company and 2 days of onsite engagement) – involving 8 universities in Malaysia (5 public, 3 private). A total of 680 final year students and graduates have been earmarked from these universities for the first batch, and will benefit from a wide range of assistance: mentoring with industry practitioners, personalised career roadmaps, industry networking, Applied AI knowledge and apprenticeships as part of the structured programme.

Its primary goal is to ensure that 95% of the global workforce can be empowered with AI-related knowledge and skills without the need for coding or programming while overcoming the barriers or obstacles relating to its implementation.

What is unique about ICDA is that it is able to provide a layer of customised AI learning contents on top of any of university’s modules to ensure there is harmonisation and integration of their core syllabus with CEAI’s Applied AI pedagogy.

CEAI Global has also commenced discussions with interested universities from South Asia, Africa and ASEAN in order to curtail youth unemployment through the Applied AI programs/courses.

Tan Sri Dr Mohd Daud Bakar, Chairman of MyFinB (M) and CEAI (Malaysia) provides the view that “having a significant amount of young people out of work can negatively impact a community’s economic growth and development. If left unchecked, youth unemployment can have serious social repercussions because unemployed youth tend to feel left out, leading to social exclusion, anxiety and a lack of hope for the future.”

Tan Sri Mohd Daud Bakar also highlighted that, “Youths are one of the country’s precious asset or human capital. They are important as they will determine how our future will be like. Our experience today will be shaped and inherited by the next generation of youths who are catalyst for our country’s digital transformation as we embrace a world surrounded by technology. But to address this, the youths should also be empowered with the right programmes and tools that equips them with the relevant skills that increases their employability.”

“Programmes like ICDA are important because the relevance and alignment with industry needs are ensured. Graduates are able to be guided and equipped with the right skillset – and finally value-add by helping to solve industry pain points with newly acquired skills.”

The Centre for AI Innovation (CEAI) Global is a leading AI Group with a global network of AI practitioners and adopters in 16 countries worldwide. CEAI programs are well-supported with many leading institutions globally and individual professionals from top corporations (www.ceaiglobal.com).

For more enquiries, please write in to corpcomms@myfinb.com.

Partnership with Universities for Industry Employability

Over the next decade, the World Bank estimates one billion young people will try to enter the job market, but less than half of them will find formal jobs. This will leave the majority of young people, many in minority and marginalized groups, unemployed or experiencing working poverty. The predicted rise in economic inequality and inadequate job opportunities has the potential to negatively impact a generation of young people around the world.

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