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LSxAI Input Form

For 'Combo SITI + CDSI, Get 2Xtra'. Please fill up the form below.

Have you ordered a Package?
If yes, please key in the Order ID, which can be found from the receipt sent to your email after your purchase.
If no, please kindly purchase a package at https://myfinb.com/lsxai/#register


CDSI PACKAGE (Portfolio Analysis - 3 months) + SITI (Individual Stock Analysis)

Provide stock names that you are currently holding for portfolio review monthly purposes (CDSI report). SITI reports will be generated for these stocks too (one time only). SITI reports help you understand more about the current financial situation of these stocks, which may aid you in making decision whether to buy/sell/hold.
You will need to provide the data every month in next 2 months either via email or this input form in order for CDSI reports to be generated.
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
Please provide your latest stock statement that indicates your stock holding at the time of purchase and at the end of the next 2 months.
Should your statement contains more than the number of stocks you purchased for CDSI, please purchase more or indicate the stock names you want to analyse in the REMARKS.


ROAR Input Form

Please provide the inputs via this link:,

