Did you know that by 2050, countries who are facing ageing population ie. people over the age of 65 – the implication is that health systems will have to deal with more patients with complex needs. Managing such patients is expensive and requires systems to shift from an episodic care-based philosophy to one that is much more proactive and focused on long-term care management.
Healthcare spending is simply not keeping up. Without major structural and transformational change, healthcare systems will struggle to remain sustainable. Health systems also need a larger workforce, but although the global economy could create 40 million new health-sector jobs by 2030, there is still a projected shortfall of 9.9 million physicians, nurses and midwives globally over the same period, according to the World Health Organization.
HEAL uses a proprietary engine with the ability to convert medical and non-medical data, as well as any dashboards - into predictive and prescriptive analytics accurately and in a timely manner.