Education is evolving, the results of a growing global population with a keen thirst for knowledge. But how can today's schools and universities prepare students for the future?
Stay tuned. More speakers are sharing their perspective soon.
1. What are the major issues in education today?
Are there key differences for such issues between developed and emerging economies? Learning crisis is growing in Covid-era with 50% students worldwide affected by full or partial school closures; nearly one-third cannot access remote learning. Without access to digital technologies, millions are at risk of losing access to education, and that gap has been the biggest difference between developed and emerging economies.
2. How can AI shape the way education is being learned or taught?
Do you think there are social costs attached to learning via AI? AI can shape learning in many ways and prepare students for changing future of work. AI education/skilling for all is the starting point. Also using AI in subject education and AI for education governance can be next steps. Empowering next-generation on technical and social skills related to AI is important.
3. What are the major edtech technologies that you find most fascinating and potentially impactful in the future?
AI, Smart Edge & Cloud technologies, connectivity solutions, are all critical edtech technologies, that are considered superpowers to drive education change and accelerate impact for future of learning and work. Also any new technology should be integrated with human-centric approaches as work and learning remain an integral social experiences.
4. Does AI make students less smart?
No. When learnt and used responsibility, AI can help students gain more with collective intelligence generated from human-machine partnership. Students should be provided more resources and opportunities to be skilled for an AI fuelled world so that they unlock true potential for self and society by solving global challenges ahead.
– Anshul Sonak – Senior Director, Global AI and Digital Readiness, Global Partnerships & Initiatives Group, Intel Corporation
1. What are the major issues in education today? Are there key differences for such issues between developed and emerging economies?
One of the major issues of education is Inclusion (children who have perceived differences or are marginalized) and Equity (curating personalized learning as per childrens’ needs for maximum opportunity for success). To develop Inclusion and Equity in Education: Infrastructure, Awareness and Monetary Resources are the key differences between developed and emerging markets.
2. How can AI shape the way education is being learned or taught? Do you think there are social costs attached to learning via AI?
AI is an enabling tool that can develop a Learning Journey for Learners based on their State (current Habits and Competencies), Preferences (Learning Behaviour), Personalized Situations (to stretch their horizon), and Validations/Assessment (impact of actions taken).
Yes, there are social costs with Reforms required in standardized educational Institutions and Educators, moving from Teaching/Grading base to Coaching/Mentoring base.
3. What are the major edtech technologies that you find most fascinating and potentially impactful in the future?
There are 3 key hierarchical edtech that we must consider. 1) Personalization at Scale with Infrastructure of Interactive Student-Led Learning and Asynchronous Facilitation; 2) Conversation Technology forming meaningful natural language dialogue between Student and Platform; and 3) Feedback Technology providing appropriate, frequent, actionable feedback for increased students’ attention, engagement, and follow-through.
Another honorable mention will be Blockchain Technology, promoting verifiable and original innovations on new research and applications – at scale.
4. Does AI make students less smart?
AI makes students smarter. AI is like the Dental Floss of technology, it reaches places that no other technologies can. Out of the petabytes of information on the Internet and Books combined, modern students aren’t expected to know all of it. AI provides meaningful data & patterns as required by students to make insightful decisions.
– Arif Ahmed – HRMS Automation & Learning Experience; Consultant & ACSTH, ICF® Coach; Managing Director, Light over Light & Co Ltd.; Creative Leader: IAC® Global Communications
1. What are the major issues in education today? Are there key differences for such issues between developed and emerging economies?
There are a number of major issues in education today, from access to education, classroom sizes, availability of skilled teachers, bullying, family factors, funding, technology etc. And with the COVID19 pandemic we have seen technology becoming even more important as students with no access to technology are being left behind. There are definitely key differences for such issues between the developed and emerging economies, for example majority of the issues identified relate to emerging economies while developed economies are dealing with issues such as school reforms, health & child development, assessment and attainment etc. Having said this though, there are similarities between the private and public school issues in both the developed and emerging economies.
2. How can AI shape the way education is being learned or taught? Do you think there are social costs attached to learning via AI?
AI can assist in shaping education in a number of ways ie.:
i) Tailoring learning experience for students by customising students learning experience based on their strength and weaknesses.
ii) Predicting students future performance which can assist with early intervention and better planning for schools and department of education.
iii) Collaborative learning, students being paired up based on their strengths, personality and complimentary skills to reduce conflict and make learning process smooth.
iv) AI Tutors, in easing the burden of teachers by providing additional support to students as well as giving feedback in their studies.
There are social costs attached to learning via AI, such as technology addiction, lack of motivation to learn by students without teacher and lack of emotional intelligence due to limited interaction with human.
3. What are the major edtech technologies that you find most fascinating and potentially impactful in the future?
There is an exhaustive list of edtech technologies out there, however I find the following quiet fascinating: virtual reality, augmented reality, gamification and 3D printing due to their interactive nature and getting students to think outside the box.
4. Does AI make students less smart?
I don’t think it does if utilised correctly. AI assist students in harnessing skills such as creativity, communication, innovation and entrepreneurial which were not necessarily there in the past. It also gives them access to the world that they would not have been exposed to sitting in their classrooms learning from a desktop.
– Busisiwe Mathe – CEO, RRS Innovation
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