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Fornightly Course Review
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Project Owner Name:
1. The programme so far has given me new insights on the foundations of Applied AI and the potential it brings to my work.
Selected Value:
1 - Strongly disagree | 2 - Disagree | 3 - Neutral | 4 - Agree | 5 - Strongly Agree
2. The teaching process so far is delivered in a unique way yet systematic and organised across many case studies and use cases.
Selected Value:
1 - Strongly disagree | 2 - Disagree | 3 - Neutral | 4 - Agree | 5 - Strongly Agree
3. The faculty team is ready to help and highly enthusiastic in my learning process.
Selected Value:
1 - Strongly disagree | 2 - Disagree | 3 - Neutral | 4 - Agree | 5 - Strongly Agree
4. What I enjoy most about this programme so far is:
5. Please share your initial experience now in designing and building the AI Framework and Decision Tree Model :
Thank you for your response.
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